A Myofascial Approach to TMJ Dysfunction



The TMJ or temporomandibular joint is a source of many symptoms from jaw crepitus, cracking, locking, pain, headaches, neck tension, postural imbalances and more.   Paul Evans has conducted experimental research in TMJ Syndrome as well as taught for over 25 years on TMJ dysfunction within the Collège d’Études Ostéopathique de Montréal.  He is an osteopathic consultant within a team of healthcare professionals, dentists, orthodontists, and dental surgeons to help patients suffering with TMJ dysfunction.


This 4-day course over two weekends is designed to enhance the practitioner’s ability to properly evaluate and provide osteopathic treatment for the TMJ and its surrounding myofascial structures using a unique approach that has led to a widespread reputation for successful outcomes.

Guest teacher:  Dr. Alain Aubé, dentist, occlusal specialist, founder of the Canadian Occlusal Institute, an educational institute that educates dentists, doctors, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals about jaw disorder and malocclusion. Dr. Aubé has over 35 years of clinical experience and is well known as one of the most respected dentists specialized in TMJ disorder. 

Dr. Aubé and Paul Evans work together in a combined, collaborative approach of dentistry and osteopathic treatments to help many TMD patients.

Course content:

Day 1:

Dr. Aubé will address the dentistry approach to TMD that will include:

  • Tests relevant for an osteopath to perform and why (eg . bimanual seated condylar position, bite paper test, etc.)
  • Occlusal appliances -types, indications, how to tell if one is appropriately balanced for a patient
  • Types of malocclusion and their causes
  • When to refer to dentistry and what types of patients would benefit from occlusal equilibration

Day 2-4:

Paul Evans will provide a theoretical and practical-based study including:

  • A review of bony, muscular, ligamentous, neurovascular and fascial anatomy
  • A study of joint pathologies, etiologies, disco-condylar biomechanics and dysfunction
  • Discussion of the relevance of the cervical spine, tongue, and hyoid in TMD
  • Examination of the fascial relationships with the TMJ both locally and with other regions of the body
  • Practice of specific osteopathic techniques to help restore proper function and reduce pain
  • Goals and indication for specific TMJ exercises


    • 4 – day seminar over two weekends with Course Notes (PowerPoint document link available for a limited time for all participants); a video seminar will be sent to each participant approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the course that will provide part of the anatomy, biomechanics and theory necessary to successfully navigate the practical portion of the seminar
    • Certificate of completion and receipt of payment will be provided at the course

Next Dates :  Please view the ‘Course Calendar’ page 

LOCATION: Cbi – Concordia Physio Sport, 175 Stillview, # 132, Pointe Claire, Qc