Course Title: “The Road to Mastery; Dysfunction of the Shoulder & Scapular Girdle – A Myofascial Approach (AFR- Applied Fascial Release) & Therapeutic Exercises”
The shoulder is one of the more complex structures of the body. Highly mobile, it relies heavily on the balance of the muscles and fascia that surround it. Understanding the myofascial anatomy and its influence on the biomechanics of the glenohumeral, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular and scapulothoracic joints is essential in unravelling many of the shoulder problems plaguing your patients. This 4-day course is an in-depth look at evaluating and treating the myofascia through observation, palpation, muscle tests, kinematics and effective myofascial techniques. Each participant will learn how to find and treat myofascial dysfunctions quickly and effectively. Enable your patients to return to a normal and healthy lifestyle as quickly as possible with this sought after seminar!
Learn the most common reasons for pain in the shoulder joint. We will help you discover how to distinguish each and show you how to unlock their successful recovery.
Did you know that the shoulder joint is the most unstable of the body and depends entirely on a balance of the muscles that surround it? To be fully prepared to help your shoulder patients, it is essential to have a complete understanding of the shoulder girdle muscular and myofascial systems as well as possess the tools to address their dysfunctions.
Do you know how to interpret different dysfunctional movements of the gleno-humeral and scapulo-thoracic joints and how to develop effective osteopathic treatments to address them? This course may be for you!

Did you know that the majority of people over the age of 40 will develop some form of rotator cuff problem? Learning the AFR approach can help you lead these people to finding the pain relief they are looking for.
If you are like most osteopaths, you have a lot of patients complaining of shoulder problems. Do you feel well equipped to provide advice for home tips and exercises to help the most common of dysfunctions resolve as quickly as possible?
The AFR approach may offer the tools you have been looking for to answer these questions and MORE to enhance your client satisfaction!
Do you know that hundreds of osteopaths have taken this course already and that there is an overwhelmingly common comment? ”We wish we would could have taken this course years ago!!”
Upcoming Dates: See the Calendar section
Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Register early to reserve your spot!
- 4 Day seminar with Course Notes (PowerPoint document link available for a limited time for all participants prior to and after the course date); a video seminar will be sent to each participant approximately one month prior to the course that will provide the anatomy, biomechanics and theory necessary to successfully navigate the practical portion of the seminar
- Certificate of completion and receipt of payment will be provided at the course